Reading skills and closing the gap

Our assessments are widely used in locality projects where they help pinpoint gaps in reading and then measure the impact of town-wide interventions and initiatives.
How can we help
  • Establish and track levels of reading and spelling, and pinpoint areas for targeted support - New Group Reading Test/Spelling Test (NGRT/NGST)
  • Diagnostic reading pathways give detailed advice on how to further support students with reading difficulties - YARC, British Picture Vocabulary Scale, Phonological Assessment Battery
  • Track and support students who aren’t progressing as expected - Progress Test in English (PTE)
  • Compare CAT4 and NGRT data using the unique combination report to identify disparities between ability and attainment - Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4)
  • Reports specific to your region, and the support of a dedicated team of advisers, to ensure you get the most from your data
NGRT has been a phenomenal tool, not only to evidence improved reading ages, but to better understand student needs and signpost personalised interventions.